Friday, January 17, 2020

Narrowing Our Pitches

     This next blog will be me and my group mates decision on choosing our pitches. I will be explaining the positive and negatives about each of our pitches. Since we have two pitches that contain suspense and adventure we decided for our last one to have dramatic emotion to it. The pitch we will most likely choose is one of the suspense ones because we had more creative ideas on that choice. We have discussed and we are mainly considering the first two, similar but hard to decide.
     For our first choice on out pitch we decided to tweak the idea into instead of the girl not knowing the boy is a spy, they are both spy's. The main pitch is there are two spys, and one of them gets kidnapped, the other partner decides to do whatever they can to save them. The antagonist has a gun to the hostage and the spy has a gun to the antagonist, in the last scene there is shot gun and the audience will never know who was shot. A reason why this pitch is good is because we have a lot of creative ideas, more than we have for the others. My groupmate and I are more confident in this topic. We will be sure to have more important features and new ideas. We like this pitch because we both agree suspenseful films are more interesting. A reason why this pitch wouldn't be good would probably be because we might not have everything we need to fulfill our ideas. We will try and go to all the locations needed to record this type of film. A lot goes into action films like props, locations, costume, actors, and lighting. Since its only two people in a group we are going to have to face some issues but hopefully we over come it.
    Our second choice we would like to think about is another pitch that deals with suspense. Our pitch would be: my group mate and I are spy's and we go on secret missions and in the end we are forced to take each other out because our boss assigned us to kill one another. Just like the other they involve action and adventure. A lot will be required to finish this film in a fascinating way. We like this pitch because of our interest in crime and suspense. A reason this might not be the best pitch would most likely be because it might not sound as interesting as our first choice. We want our pitch to get the audience's attention. Our goal is to have the viewers engage and enjoy what they are watching. We hope our finishing product turns out how we plan it to. We will have some difficulties but in the end we will work it out and do the best we can.
     In the end my teammate and I decided that our first pitch is going to be the one we are going to make. We find it more interesting and entertaining. We are glad this was a smooth and simple process. Learning about pitches before doing story board is a good way to be prepared. I am excited for this project and the end result.

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