Today was the first time we did a Peer edit in our AICE Media class. It's a great way to learn from other students and get feedback to improve our film. We were asked on things like: how long was the film, what is the story, are there smooth transitions? and many more. We were told to Peer review a group and judge them based off of what they have to far. In my opinion so far, I really think there film is very interesting and suspenseful. Although they did not have everything that was included in our Peer review worksheet, they still have time to re-film and re-edit. We judged there camera movements, angles, lightings, and sounds. Watching another students film gives me and my group mate inspiration to create a film which contains all it needs to get a perfect score. I also liked this process because we can connect with others. Seeing other peoples ideas just shows how unique teenagers can be. At the end of our worksheet we had two important questions. One was, what was one thing you really liked about the film. The one thing that really stood out to me and my group mate was the suspense of the film. The plot is confusing which makes you wanna know more. For example the main girl had a red blood like dot on her hand and even she was confused about it. At the end it shows her hearing a noise out of her room, the cliffhanger is she opens the door and thats when the film stops. There is not much context to even assume anything which is interesting to us. The final question is what is one suggestion I would make to the film. One suggestion would be to show more of the strange marking on her hand. It shows the red in her palm but not so much to the point where you can understand what it is. It is a little complicated to think about but overall I really enjoyed their film.

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